News & Insights

Indoor air quality project at the ICH BV office

2023-05-10 18:00
In#nbsp;February, we#nbsp;launched our first indoor air quality project together with ICH BV in#nbsp;the Netherlands. People are the core value of#nbsp;ICH BV, and its leadership uses every possible opportunity to#nbsp;take care of#nbsp;their health and well-being.
To#nbsp;track air quality and safety parameters in#nbsp;the office, a#nbsp;network of#nbsp;five monitors has been deployed in#nbsp;four areas: the open area combined with a#nbsp;canteen, the gym, the engineering office room, and the warehouse. Additionally, one mobile unit is#nbsp;used in#nbsp;different rooms as#nbsp;needed.

Data on#nbsp;CO2 concentrations, particulate matter PM2.5 and PM10, temperature, and humidity is#nbsp;transferred in#nbsp;real time to#nbsp;the AirVoice. Indoor Platform so#nbsp;that everybody can see how healthy the indoor air is#nbsp;in#nbsp;each room at#nbsp;every moment of#nbsp;time. And if#nbsp;it#nbsp;should be#nbsp;improved, our experts can help find an#nbsp;optimal data-driven solution.

The ICH#nbsp;BV founders are high-class engineers, so#nbsp;their two office buildings have an#nbsp;advanced, sustainable design. For example, there is#nbsp;no#nbsp;ventilation equipment there, only natural ventilation inlets.

Among other things, we#nbsp;have noticed that the CO2 level is#nbsp;quite low in#nbsp;ICH BV’s offices, which is#nbsp;good for the staff’s health and productivity. High CO2 concentrations deteriorate human mental activity, so#nbsp;it#nbsp;is critical to#nbsp;keep them low in#nbsp;workspaces.

We#nbsp;were also pleased to#nbsp;find out that Hollandscheveld has pretty good outdoor air quality, which follows from low indoor concentrations of#nbsp;particulate matter PM2.5 and PM10. Since there is#nbsp;no#nbsp;air purification system in#nbsp;the building, ambient air quality has a#nbsp;significant impact on#nbsp;indoor air parameters.