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Ashwini K Channan shared his opinion with The Tech Panda News

2024-02-06 16:54
Ashwini Chanan, CEO Airvoice India shared his opinion about the Interim Union Budget 2024 with The Tech Panda News:

"The budget for the upcoming fiscal years reflects a#nbsp;positive perspective. As#nbsp;a#nbsp;Vote-on-account, it#nbsp;indicates continuous support for existing programs and an#nbsp;augmented focus on#nbsp;infrastructure spending. Notably, the establishment of#nbsp;a#nbsp;corpus of#nbsp;one lakh crore rupees is#nbsp;a#nbsp;key highlight, providing long-term financing or#nbsp;refinancing at#nbsp;favorable terms, fostering investments in#nbsp;intelligent CleanTech solutions.

"The budget’s emphasis on#nbsp;Blue Economy 2.0 reinforces a#nbsp;commitment to#nbsp;creating holistic and cleaner environments. This strategic move supports the development and acceptance of#nbsp;cleantech, coupled with initiatives like rooftop solarization, ensuring accessibility to#nbsp;air-quality hardware and products. While the comprehensive impact of#nbsp;the government’s commitment to#nbsp;CleanTech will unfold in#nbsp;the full-budget presentation post-elections, our outlook remains highly optimistic."