News & Insights

Electrochemical sensors cross sensitivity

2023-08-28 19:12
Here we#nbsp;are again, bringing you valuable insights about hyperlocal air quality monitoring networks.

Today, let’s dive into electrochemical sensors, which play a#nbsp;crucial role in#nbsp;continuous ambient air quality monitoring stations, measuring the levels of#nbsp;gas impurities in#nbsp;the air.

One key point to#nbsp;understand is#nbsp;that these sensors are cross-sensitive. Their measurements aren’t solely influenced by#nbsp;the specific gas they’re meant to#nbsp;detect. Other gases in#nbsp;the air, as#nbsp;well as#nbsp;environmental factors like temperature and humidity, can also affect their readings.

For instance, to#nbsp;accurately measure the concentration of#nbsp;hydrogen sulfide (H2S), you also need to#nbsp;consider data about nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide (NOx, CO). And during periods of#nbsp;high concentrations, even sulfur dioxide (SO2) can influence the readings. Additionally, sulfur dioxide levels are affected by#nbsp;ozone concentrations, creating a#nbsp;chain of#nbsp;dependencies. Complicated? Perhaps, but understanding the physical fundamentals and having seasoned experience untangles the threads.

To#nbsp;make things clearer, we’ve compiled a#nbsp;table outlining these connections. Some of#nbsp;this information might not be#nbsp;readily available in#nbsp;manufacturer documents. That’s why we’re committed to#nbsp;thorough, long-term investigations to#nbsp;ensure accuracy.

Let’s return to#nbsp;the example of#nbsp;monitoring H2S and SO2. To#nbsp;obtain reliable measurements using continuous air quality monitoring stations, it’s essential to#nbsp;have nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, and ozone sensors in#nbsp;place. Calibrating these sensors involves accounting for all cross-dependencies, including temperature and humidity.

To#nbsp;summarize, electrochemical sensors are invaluable for monitoring air quality, but they only perform best when handled by#nbsp;experts. We’ve rigorously tested sensors in#nbsp;our lab and discussed our findings with the manufacturers#nbsp;— and they’ve confirmed our results.